Foreign Currency Strategy

Our unique foreign currency strategy is applied to the Major currency pairs.

We use both qualitative and quantitative analysis in our process in choosing which direction and which currency pair we will be investing in.  

Our qualitative approach supersedes quantitative, through the years we have learned how to interpret the data that drives foreign currency movements.

Our quantitative approach allows us to understand the movements of markets and helps to determine profit-taking and stop losses.

We have both audited returns and available upon request.

The volatility that we have seen through the years has been maintained to a modest level when comparing other foreign currency strategies.  The returns have been in line with the risk taken.

Foreign currency strategies should all be considered aggressive.

Our compensation is 2% of AUM(assets under management) and 30% of profits using a high watermark, and a 1.5 PIP charge on transactions.

This investment is only for "Qualified Clients" per the definition of the Securities Exchange Commission.